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Admissions and Procedures

Year 7

At Redwood we offer monthly transition tours for parents, carers and families to come and have a look round school, have a tour of the facilities and meet the Headteacher and key staff. These dates will be circulated to all SENCOs in Rochdale Primary Schools. Rochdale Local Authority will also advertise the event on Redwood’s behalf.

At any point throughout this process, any mainstream pupil (irrespective of Year Group) that the Local Authority feel would be correctly placed at Redwood will be directly invited to meet the Headteacher individually.

Should any parent/ carer wish to enquire about an admission or place at Redwood, they should in the first instance contact their SEN officer at the Local Authority 01706 925140.

Admission Overview

The local authority provides transport free of charge to school or college for students with disabilities and/or learning difficulties in those cases where it is considered essential. This provision is between home and the nearest school or college that can address the particular needs of the young person. If a young person chooses to attend a school or college with an equally suitable course which is further away from home, then it is understood they will be required to make their own travel arrangements to and from that school or college.

If transport is provided this may involve the provision of private hire vehicles or specialist vehicles. Any application for concessionary transport of this kind will be considered by the SEN and Children with Disabilities Service to establish that the provision of such transport is necessary to enable you to travel between home and college.

Students in Year 11 at Redwood Secondary School or attending the Post-16 provision at Redwood Secondary School may be provided with independent travel training that will reduce the need to rely on private hire vehicles. This training is related to home to school transport and travel to other educational provision including post-19 placements. The training is provided during the school day with the consent of parents. Over time such training will be extended to include young people at other schools and Sixth Form colleges.

If you have a disability and/or learning difficulty and attend a specialist residential college, the local authority will refund the full cost of off-peak public transport between home and college at the beginning and end of each term and each half term holiday. In some cases, the local authority provides transport between home and the specialist residential college.

For full details, please read the Travel Assistance Policy for children and young people with SEND

How to apply

To apply, please complete the relevant application form:​ Reduced or free school travel | School transport | Rochdale Borough Council

Please return your completed application form by email to or by post to:

SEN Assessment Team
Rochdale Borough Council
Number One Riverside – Floor 4, 
Smith Street, 
OL16 1XU

Concessionary Travel Pass

If you are disabled, whatever your age, you may be able to get free or discounted travel on buses, trains and the Metrolink or travel vouchers for discounted taxi travel. To apply, get an application form from a Transport for Greater Manchester Travelshop or write to:

Travel Concessions

Customer Services

PO Box 429

Manchester, M60 1HX.

More information can be found of the Rochdale Admission Page by clicking here.

Post 16

Any parent/ carer wishing to enquire about an admission into Post 16, should in the first instance contact the SEN Team at the Local Authority 01706 925140.

Teaching and Learning

• All our pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or Statement of Special Educational Needs
• Pupil Premium is used to provide a variety of additional supports– please see policy
• Catch up premium- additional funding which is used for intervention for Year 7 pupils in English and Maths
• Pupils are base lined & assessed using: B Squared, SCERTS, MAPP
• Pupils follow the National Curriculum but follow an Individual Learning Plan. Some pupils follow the
• Profound and Sensory curriculum
• Staff have extensive experience in ASD, BESD, PSHE, PMLD, BSL, Positive Handling, Sensory Profiling.
• CIEAG – these staff provide in-house annual training / and training as a need arises
• The SLT are experienced SEN teachers who provide in house training
• Staff regularly attend local authority and external training
• Annual Staff Development Review, Support Staff Appraisal & Teacher Appraisal identify training needs
• Joint Council Qualification rules are followed in examinations giving reasonable adjustments such as extra time, large font papers, scribes, readers 925140.

Accessibility and Inclusion

What Redwood provides:

• The school is fully accessible
• The building is wheelchair accessible with disabled parking near to the main entrance
• The environment is enhanced to provide visual clarity.
• There are accessible toilet and changing facilities with hoists
• The school has a ‘closomat’ toilet
• Rise & Fall furniture, sinks, tables, cooker, Rebound    Therapy, on site Hydro pool, wheelchair accessible       minibuses
• Co-located with a mainstream secondary school
• Weekly access to on site swimming pool
• School information is accessible through:
• School website
• Parent Partnership Co-ordinator (support parents & families including those with additional needs)
• Bi Lingual Assistants (support for parents & families whose first language is not English)
• Texting service
• School uses ‘Signalong’ , Voice Output Apps, Communication systems on ipads, Boardmaker symbols

Redwood’s Transition Policy

At Redwood we recognise the importance of ensuring smooth transitions for young people joining our school, moving classes within our school and moving onto alternative provision/out of area/further education pathways, employment and adult social care provision.

We understand the importance of ensuring transition procedures are flexible and meet the unique and individual needs of young people and their families. Redwood will make every attempt to ensure that parents are involved at every stage of their child’s transition to the school and future transitions.

Areas of Transition at Redwood:
1. KS2 to KS3 Primary transition to Secondary School setting (Transition to Redwood)
2. KS3 to KS4 Achievement Pathways and Accreditation Options (Transition within Redwood)
3. KS4 to KS5 Post-16 pathways at Redwood Sixth Form and REEC (Transition within Redwood)
4. KS5 + Transition beyond Redwood (Transition from Redwood)
5. KS3-KS5 In year transfer to an alternative educational setting (Transition from Redwood)
6. KS3 – KS5 In year transfer into Redwood (Transition to Redwood)


Please click on our Transmission Policy for more information

Redwood Transition Policy
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